Analyzing the effectiveness of Environment Education Projects in three Asian countries


The purpose of the research wasto learn how effective three diverse environmental projects in these three different countries of Asia are. The research study wasqualitative in nature. The study helpedto understand the situation in which the environmental education programs … Continue reading » “Analyzing the effectiveness of Environment Education Projects in three Asian countries”

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Public Procurement and Human Rights: advancing International Labour Standards at International and European Level

Abstract: In the current global economy shaped by the global supply chain model, linking business and human rights represents a core challenge to advance sustainable development and a transition to a more socially inclusive economic paradigm. In such context, the … Continue reading » “Public Procurement and Human Rights: advancing International Labour Standards at International and European Level”

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Right to the city of women who live in a squatter (gecekondu): Urbanity, participation, and experience


This ethnographic and practical research aims to identify right to the city of women who live in a squatter (gecekondu) settlement in İzmir, Turkey. A significant proportion of the first-generation women who were the founders of the neighborhood have … Continue reading » “Right to the city of women who live in a squatter (gecekondu): Urbanity, participation, and experience”

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