Cambodia Programme update:
Within the context of its planned Programme in Cambodia 2020-2022, and subject to confirmed funding from Swedish Development Cooperation, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law announces a scholarship for the Master of Law in International Human Rights Law at Lund University, Sweden for up to two students for the academic years 2021-2023. For more than three decades, the Master Programme has been a cooperative venture of RWI and the Faculty of Law at Lund University, Sweden.
[Photo: Green Chameleon] -
Our Work in Indonesia
We initiated activities in Indonesia in 1999. An office was established in Jakarta in 2005. Our work in Indonesia focuses on supporting the implementation of the Regional Asia Programme on Human Rights and Sustainable Development (2017-2021). In particular, we work to promote the concept of human rights cities and foster a local dialogue around challenges and solutions related to the human rights, gender equality, environment and SDGs.
On our activities in Asia
The institute has been active in Asia for over 25 years. In 1996 we initiated cooperation in the region with human rights training courses for Chinese high-level justice officials. During the following years our number of activities in the region grew and our programmes expanded.
Current Programmes and Cooperations
Former Programmes and Cooperations
The latest news and articles from The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
For more information, please contact:
Jason Naum

Jason Naum is an international development and nonprofit organization management expert with over 20 years of experience successfully leading and strengthening the capacity of nonprofits, academic institutions, and independent state actors with a human rights mandate around the world. He has extensive experience in strategic planning, thought leadership, global philanthropy, human rights programming, capacity building, grant management and evaluation strategies for mission driven nonprofits.
Prior to RWI, Jason was the Managing Director of the Botstiber Institute, the Founding Chairman and Executive Director of LAB (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on increasing opportunities for Philadelphia’s economically disadvantaged youth), as well as the Head of the National Human Rights Institutions Unit at RWI. He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from Lund University with a specialization in international human rights and humanitarian law.
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