Who We Are

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) is an independent academic institution established at Lund University in Sweden in 1984.

We combine multi-disciplinary human rights research with education, support, and outreach to contribute to a wider understanding of, and respect for, human rights and international humanitarian law.

We work with four thematic areas within human rights: ‘rule of law and access to justice’, ‘international humanitarian law’, ‘human rights and the environment’ and ‘business and human rights’.

Since the early 1990s, we have cooperated with a wide range of institutions and organisations in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, to advance the practical application of human rights around the world. Our cooperation is characterised by mutual trust, long-term commitment and achievement of common objectives.

Currently, we have offices in Lund, Harare, Jakarta, Nairobi, Phnom Penh, Stockholm, and Yerevan.

The Institute is named after Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews and other people at risk in Hungary at the end of World War II.


To contribute to a wider understanding of, and respect for, human rights and international humanitarian law.


Just and inclusive societies that respect human rights and international humanitarian law

Our Theory of Change 

Human Rights and the Environment

We carry out and support multi-disciplinary research, facilitate learning exchanges , and undertake communications activities, to develop and advance a theoretical understanding as well as a practical application of a human rights-based approach within climate change and biodiversity law and policy.

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Rule of Law and Access to Justice

Persons in conflict with the law, victims, and others in contact with justice institutions must be treated with dignity and respect. Vulnerable and marginalised groups in detention, imprisonment or non-custodial measures especially, must be treated in line with international standards and norms on human rights.

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International Humanitarian Law

As an independent academic institution, we approach International Humanitarian Law from a non-partisan stance. The need for security should always be weighed against the rules that seek the protection of those affected by armed conflict and that limit the choice of means and methods of warfare by armed actors.

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Business and Human Rights

To us, 'Business and human rights' is also about ensuring the development of a policy environment where democratic stakeholders can hold economic decision makers, public as well as private ones, systematically accountable to international human rights standards.

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Humanitarian Law


Core Values


We believe that respect for the inherent dignity of the human being is fundamental and this permeates all our behaviour.


We are committed to our mission and values and we are not going to compromise in respect of independence, trust and quality. Our work is transparent and performed with accountability.


We are a learning institution and encourage everybody to participate by expressing their views and sharing their knowledge. We value all input and viewpoints and are open to constructive dialogue and co-operation with all in order to fulfil our mission.


We continuously strive at maintaining a creative, dynamic and supportive work and learning environment, so as to inspire others as well as each other to work in line with our mission.

The Charter

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