Heightened marginalization of communities on the margins: A blanket approach to the Pandemic and the impact on women and girls in Kenya


The COVID-19 pandemic has caught the world by storm stretching many health systems and exposing the gaps in the resilience of these health systems. Kenya recorded its first confirmed case on 12 March 2020 and has since recorded 126,710 … Continue reading » “Heightened marginalization of communities on the margins: A blanket approach to the Pandemic and the impact on women and girls in Kenya”

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Public Procurement and Human Rights: advancing International Labour Standards at International and European Level

Abstract: In the current global economy shaped by the global supply chain model, linking business and human rights represents a core challenge to advance sustainable development and a transition to a more socially inclusive economic paradigm. In such context, the … Continue reading » “Public Procurement and Human Rights: advancing International Labour Standards at International and European Level”

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