The third Swedish Human Rights Film Festival will take place in Lund on March 16 to 18.
The festival is a unique blend of new human rights films combined with fresh analysis from researchers and experts so festival goers can go deeper and get new insights on the major human rights issues of our time.
In this so-called post truth world, with its opinion bubbles and closed feedback loops, festival goers appreciate watching these urgent films and engaging with researchers and experts who can speak about issues based on evidence, rather than listening to people who pontificate like pundits on cable television, says Gabriel Stein, the head of communications at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, which launched the festival in 2016.
The 2018 festival features new films ranging from sexual harassment, the #metoo campaign, women’s rights and violence against women in Afghanistan, to worker’s rights in Vietnam, ethnic hatred in Myamar, far-right and neo-nazi politics in Europe, and the challenges asylum seekers face in Europe.
Three of the films, Anita, A Letter to the President and Nimble Fingers will make their Swedish premiere.
The Institute runs the festival in cooperation with Kino/Folkets Bio in Lund with funding from Lund municipality, Film i Skåne, and Folkuniversitet in Lund, and together with the Association of Foreign Affairs in Lund.
Q&A sessions and panel discussions will feature directors of some of the films and experts and researchers who will provide context and new insights on the themes addressed.
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