Regional Asia Pacific Programme: Advancing Just Transitions to Climate Resilient and Nature-Positive Societies (RAPP 2) 

Between 2017 and 2024, RWI successfully implemented the Regional Asia Programme on Human Rights and Sustainable Development (RAPP 1), focusing on human rights, gender equality, and sustainable development. 

Building on RAPP 1’s successes, RWI introduces the Regional Asia Pacific Programme: Advancing Just Transitions to Climate Resilient and Nature-Positive Societies (RAPP 2) that will run between 2024-2026. RAPP 2 aims to enhance enabling environments for just transitions to climate-resilient and nature-positive societies that are grounded in human rights and gender equality in the Asia Pacific. The concept of “just transitions” now extends beyond adapting workers’ skills for technological changes, encompassing fairness, justice, and equity in responses to climate change, including adaptation, loss and damage, biodiversity, and environmental protection. 

RAPP 2 focuses on regional collaborations and initiatives to better manage cross-border and sub-regional issues. It also enhances opportunities for citizen- and stakeholder-led influence and accountability of duty bearers within existing procedures, processes, and practices. The programme prioritizes the participation and inclusion of women and marginalised groups, emphasising gender and conflict perspectives in its design, performance indicators, and intended outcomes. 

RAPP 2 concentrates on addressing key focus areas which are Climate Change and Human Mobility, Access to Environmental Justice, and Business, Human Rights, and the Environment. 

For more information on RWI’s works in the Asia Pacific, please visit the RWI Regional Asia Pacific Office website. 




Regional Asia Pacific Team Members

Christian Ranheim

Christian Ranheim

Regional Director, Asia and the Pacific


Christian Ranheim is a Norwegian human rights lawyer with 25 years of experience from academia and in managing complex human rights projects internationally. He brings extensive experience from previous work in the Asia Pacific region, including as a former country director for RWI’s Indonesia office in Jakarta. He is the founder of the Judicial System Monitoring Programme in Timor Leste, a former ceasefire monitor in Sri Lanka and has implemented programmes in Cambodia and the Solomon Islands on behalf of the International Criminal Court. After leaving his position as a senior adviser at the Norwegian National Preventive Mechanism against torture in 2019, he has acted as an independent consultant assisting clients on a variety of topics, including business and human rights in cooperation with KPMG.

In addition to holding managerial positions, Mr. Ranheim has a strong academic background. He worked for over a decade at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights at the University of Oslo and taught classes on international criminal law in addition to supervising master students on their thesis relating to human rights and conflict. He holds a law degree from the University of Oslo and still teaches human rights and international criminal law at universities in Asia and Europe.

Windi Arini

Windi Arini

Country Director (a.i.), Indonesia


Windi is currently the Country Director (a.i.) in Indonesia. She manages activities on localizing human rights in the context of SDGs in Asia Pacific and RWIs engagement with young people in the region. Her multidimensional role also allows her to oversee the national programmes in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

She graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University (Faculty of Law) in 2010 and dedicated the following years working at a law firm targeting capacity building for the Indonesian military. As a committed and passionate young professional, she taught foundational knowledge on international humanitarian law to the Indonesian military.

After obtaining her master’s degree in Theory and Practice of Human Rights from the University of Oslo, she spent almost 4 years as a human rights officer at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta. She worked on various thematic areas including children and women’s rights, business human rights, as well as the rights of persons with disabilities. She provided technical support and managed projects for the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR).

When Windi is not in the office, she enjoys reading, traveling, and is very fond of spicy food.

Yantie Taulu

Yantie Taulu

Senior Finance and Administration Officer



Yantie holds a diploma in administration and has more than 20 years working experience as an administrator who provides finance, procurement, administrative and other operational support in the planning, design, implementation and supervision.

Prior to joining RWI, she worked for several development aid programs under USAID and DFAT of Government Australia / AusAID; and has extensive knowledge of donor funds’ financial and procurement management systems including budget planning and implementation, financial statement preparation and auditing.

Wulan Tangkudung

Wulan Tangkudung

Senior Programme Associate

Phone: +62 21 719 0409

Wulan holds a bachelor degree in Mass Communication from Universitas Indonesia, a degree in German language from the same University and a postgraduate diploma in Events Management from Switzerland. Wulan has previous work experience as Administrative and Finance department of the 6th ASEAN Para Games, Account and Promotion Executive in FEMINA group and as an Au-pair in Austria.


Project Duration: 


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     Opening hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM








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