Moot Court on Fair Trial Rights

Moot court competition enables students to analyze legal issues, research the relevant law, prepare written submissions, and present oral arguments. The Moot Court on Fair Trial Rights encourages students to think deeply about fair trial rights issues; enhances their advocacy, legal research and writing skills; and allows them to work closely with and learn from other students. This inter-universities competition also fosters positive cooperation among our partners and brings them together to achieve one goal: strengthening human rights education.

Since 2019, this Moot Court programme has been implemented for three partner universities in the provinces, including the National University of Battambang (NUBB), the University of Southeast Asia (USEA) and the University of Management and Economics (UME). We established this moot court in Khmer language to give an opportunity to and remove the language barrier for students in the provinces who have little to no knowledge of English to experience this practical learning method. As part of the programme, we also provided capacity building for coaches and supported them throughout the process of coaching students.

RWI’s Cambodia Programme is also in the process of developing a new Moot Court on Fair Trial Rights for non-partner universities. Following the successful completion of the series of Training of Trainers on Fair Trial Rights Moot Court (ToT) provided for human rights and law lecturers with the cooperation from three new provincial universities in 2021, namely Cambodian University of Specialty (CUS), Siem Reap branch, Western University (WU) and University of Management and Economics (UME), both of which located in Kampong Cham, RWI will start implementing the moot court programme for the students from the tree mentioned universities. We will engage the potential participants from the ToT 2021 as coaches to work with the RWI training team. The objective is: first, to make the moot court available for the students, and second, to further strengthen the capacity of the ToT group by making an opportunity for them to teach a moot court course according to the syllabus developed from the ToT series.

In 2022, the moot court competition on Fair Trial Rights was hosted twice among partner and non-partner universities. On November, the competition was organized by RWI in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law (CSHL), which has three universities involved, namely the National University of Battambang (NUBB), the University of Southeast Asia (USEA) and the University of Management and Economics (UME). The champion goes to the team from NUBB. Another competition was organized in December among the Cambodian University for Specialties (CUS), Western University (WU) and University of Management and Economics (UME) in which the champion goes to the team from UME. It is such a memorable accomplishment for this programme and students, especially because everyone got to learn new knowledge, skills, and experiences.

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