The Raoul Wallenberg Institute in cooperation with the Centre for Applied Legal Research (CALR), Zimbabwe, is conducting a professional training program on human rights in Lund this week that brings together Zimbabwean human rights professionals for a unique exchange.
Participants come from academia, independent research centres, civil society organisations, government institutions and independent commissions in Zimbabwe.
The training will provide a unique forum allowing for increased interaction on human rights issues between participating representatives and institutions.
“The Training Programme will provide participants with increased knowledge and skills on key human rights issues, including on gender equality and vulnerable groups, and how to apply human rights standards in their respective fields of operation,” says RWI Programme Officer, Mastibegim Milikbekova.
The Training Programme forms part of the Institute’s Zimbabwe Human Rights Capacity Development Programme 2016-2018, which is funded by Swedish Development Cooperation.
It has as an overall objective to contribute to increased enjoyment of constitutional rights in Zimbabwe, through legislation, policies, practices and decision-making being increasingly informed by International human rights standards and principles.
This event will be followed up by a third phase in Harare in December. The first phase of the Training Programme was held in Zimbabwe 3-7 October 2016.
For interview inquiries please Contact Gabriel Stein, the head of Communications at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,