RWI will offer an Intensive Training Programme on Human Rights. The course is primarily targeted at professionals who work with human rights in practice but who are in need of additional human rights education and training. The participants will be selected from Belarus, Cambodia, Kenya, Myanmar and Turkey, and represent a variety of sectors and backgrounds. The participants will represent civil society and the three areas prioritized by RWI: Academic Institutions, National Human Rights Institutions and Justice Sector Institutions.
The course consists of two phases:
1. An online introductory course from 5 October – 4 November, 2015
2. A face-to-face component in Lund, Sweden from 9 November – 4 December, 2015
The first phase takes place before the participants’ arrival in Sweden and is an online preparatory course. The purpose of this first online phase is that it will even out differences between the participants in terms of knowledge levels on human rights. Participants conclude the online phase with a mandatory online test.
Resources for the programme are pooled from five different RWI programmes funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation:
- Programme on Academic Cooperation on Human Rights in Belarus, 2015-2019;
- Cambodia Human Rights Capacity Development Programme, 2013-2017;
- Turkey Human Rights Capacity Development Programme, 2015-2017;
- Strengthening Human Rights in Myanmar, 2012– 2016; and
- Strengthening Human Rights in Kenya Prisons Service 2015-2017.