The final workshop within the framework of the Expert Accreditation Programme, targeting staff members of African NHRIs, was carried out at the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) in May. The programme has been implemented in partnership with the Network of African Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) with the aim of establishing a pool of experts to be used as a resource base for African NHRIs. Nine EAP Candidates representing the NHRIs in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda have participated in three workshops focusing on human rights education and training techniques. The thematic focus areas throughout the Programme have been Torture Prevention, Peace and Conflict, Gender and Human Rights, Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Business and Human Rights.

Final presentations were held for the staff of the South African Human Rights Commission, the Gender Commission in Johannesburg and for students of the Human Rights Master Programme at Pretoria University.
“This has been an incredible experience. The mix of theory and practice and the use of live audience to make us practice our skills has been extremely valuable” says one of the candidate participating in the EAP. “My intention now is to be a resource to Africa and to other NHRIs grappling with programming on peace and conflict”.