Expert Accreditation Programme for African NHRIs in Lund

The second workshop within the Expert Accreditation Programme, targeting 10 staff members of African NHRIs was held at the Institute 17-21 March. Countries represented in the Expert Accreditation Programme are Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa and throughout the week the participants have been working hard on training techniques, adult learning principles and thematic human rights issues. The workshop is being organized in cooperation with NANHRI with the objective to build a pool of regional NHRI-experts to form a future resource. “This programme is core to NANHRI’s key mandate of building and strengthening the functional and thematic capacity of it’s member NHRIs with a view to promotion and protection of Human Rights” says Flavia Mwangovya, Programme Mangager at NANHRI “and we are very happy to be implementing it together with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute”.

From left to right: Flavia Mwangovya, NANHRI, Bernard Mogesa and Lucy Minayo Lugalia, both from the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights
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