21-25 October, the Institute conducted a review and planning meeting in Lund together with staff from academic partner institutions of the Institute in Sub-Saharan Africa. The planning and review meeting formed part of the mid-term review that is currently being carried out of the Institute’s Regional Africa Programme. The mid-term review aims to contribute to good Programme delivery for the remaining Programme duration, by identifying issues affecting effective and efficient Programme implementation and results achievement, and proposing adjustments possibly required when it comes to Programme results frameworks, strategies, priorities, working approaches, management and implementation arrangements.
Participants in the meeting included representatives of the Institute for Peace, Leadership and Governance, Africa University (Zimbabwe), the Centre for Human Rights and the Centre of Studies on Regional Integration and SADC Law, both at Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique). The main objective of the Institute’s cooperation with African academic institutions under the Regional Africa Programme is to support the development of regional academic centres and institutions of excellence for building capacities in promoting human rights, peace and security, good governance, and ethical leadership through education, policy research, harmonisation of laws and standards and resources development