Manuel Galvis Martinez

Manuel Galvis Martinez

ICMD Coordinator and Thematic Leader of International Humanitarian Law (ai.)


Manuel Galvis Martinez is a Colombian Lawyer (J.D. Universidad del Rosario), specialized in International Criminal Law (LL.M. UNICRI/University of Turin) and International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (LL.M. Geneva Academy). He holds an interdisciplinary PhD from the School of International Studies of the University of Trento. He has professional experience in the field of International Criminal Law having worked in multiple International Courts (ICTY, ICC,RMICT) as well as academic experience teaching at Lund University.

His research interest revolves around the intersection of Humanitarian Law and Criminal Law particularly concerning issues of loyalty during armed conflicts.

Manuel is the Thematic Leader of International Humanitarian Law and the Coordinator of the IHL Compliance Monitoring Database (ICMD) project at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.


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