This brief tracks recent developments in different policy fields such as economic law, human rights and development cooperation, and corporate social responsibility. Root causes of abuses in transnational business operations are highlighted both at the top and bottom of the … Continue reading » “Policy Developments in Six Policy Channels: Brief 3”
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Regulating in a Transnational Context: Three Foundational Principles: Brief 2
This brief, the second in a series of four, puts forward three foundational principles that explain the difficulties in regulating multinational enterprises. This has implications on whether more or less coercive strategies could be pursued to ensure responsible business conduct.… Continue reading » “Regulating in a Transnational Context: Three Foundational Principles: Brief 2”
Continue readingThree Baselines for Business and Human Rights: Brief 1
After endorsing the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights (UNGPs) in 2011, the UN began in 2014 work on a possible treaty on business and human rights. This brief explains the progression of legal reasoning around corporate human … Continue reading » “Three Baselines for Business and Human Rights: Brief 1”
Continue readingWHAT IS A COMPACT? Migrants’ Rights and State Responsibilities Regarding the Design of the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
On 19 September 2016, in response to the large movements of refugees and migrants around the world, the UN General Assembly held its first ever summit dedicated to this topic. The outcome was the New York Declaration for Refugees and … Continue reading » “WHAT IS A COMPACT? Migrants’ Rights and State Responsibilities Regarding the Design of the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”
Continue readingHuman rights are good corrections: A partnership between the Kenya Prisons Service and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute
Focused on approaching human rights through a correctional lens, as well as investing in people rather than infrastructure, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) established a mutually beneficial and sustainable relationship with the Kenya Prison … Continue reading » “Human rights are good corrections: A partnership between the Kenya Prisons Service and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute”
Continue readingLessons Learned, Success Factors and Results
Our work in Cambodia focuses on the next generation of decision-makers through cooperation with universities and judicial training academies. This brief share the lessons learned in setting up and running the programme. It outlines the main success factors and the … Continue reading » “Lessons Learned, Success Factors and Results”
Continue readingPromoting Gender Equality
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is deeply rooted in the field of gender equality promotion. This brief outlines the Institute’s approach to gender equality, the lessons learned and main success factors.
The Institute seeks to … Continue reading » “Promoting Gender Equality”
Continue readingSolidaritet och samarbete stoppar ickedemokraterna
Det är just i svåra tider som de mänskliga rättigheterna testas. Därför måste EU och Europarådet stärkas som centrala aktörer när det kommer till skyddet av våra grundläggande europeiska värderingar, skriver Morten Kjaerum, direktör för Raoul Wallenberg Institutet i vår … Continue reading » “Solidaritet och samarbete stoppar ickedemokraterna”
Continue readingHuman Rights Cities and Regions
Human rights have very little meaning if they do not protect people where they live their lives, and people live locally where municipalities and regions exercise their authority. Consequently, the local authorities share the responsibility with the government to respect, … Continue reading » “Human Rights Cities and Regions”
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