Call for applications : Visiting Research Fellows in Human Rights by RWI China Programme

As part of its Human Rights Capacity Building Programme in China, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) hereby calls for applications from Chinese researchers and lecturers within the field of human rights to participate in a visiting research fellowship programme in Lund, Sweden.

The purpose of the fellowship programme is to enable two Chinese researchers to conduct focused research on human rights in a supportive academic environment at our head office in Lund, affiliated with Lund University.

RWI is welcoming applications related to human rights in general, and in particular on the following five themes of special relevance to RWI’s China Programme :
• Human rights in higher education;
• Anti-discrimination, gender equality and women’s human rights;
• Rights of persons with disabilities;
• Human rights and environment; and
• Business and human rights.

The deadline for applications is May 15th 2021, and the time period for the fellowship is September to December 2021. RWI will cover travel expenses, and a grant expected to cover housing and living expenses will be provided.

For more information on the fellowship and the selection criteria see RWI China programme research fellowship call (pdf)


Credits : Photo by Karl JK Hedin on Unsplash

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