The Martin Alexandersson Research Scholarship

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute is accepting applications to the annual “Martin Alexandersson Research Scholarship for Human Rights Studies.”

The scholarship is awarded to a researcher who is planning to carry out, or who is carrying out, a study in the field of human rights, preferably in respect of Roma populations or of anti-Semitism, and who is well qualified for the task.

Read about the 2015 scholarship recipient and her project.

Applications are encouraged from around the world concerning the implementation of human rights of Roma and Jews, including strategies for rights implementation and special measures directed towards these Groups.

The project shall start and be finalized, or be expected to be finalized, before the end of the year 2016.

The 2015 Martin Alexandersson Research Scholarship for Human Rights Studies was awarded to Dr Ioana Bunescu, a researcher and project manager at the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM). Her project looks at municipality strategies for the implementation of the rights of Romanian EU migrants begging in Sweden.

The scholarship amounts to SEK 30,000.

Martin Alexanderson, a human rights defender and an ardent advocate of minority rights, tragically passed away in 2001, at the age of 38. On a mission for the Swedish organisation ”Save the Children,” he was killed in a car crash in Finland, leaving a wife and a young son in deep despond. In 2007, his parents, Thomas and Lilianna Alexanderson, instituted a fund in memory of their son to be held in trust by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.

A complete application should contain the applicant’s CV, a brief description of the project, its aim and relevance, as well as a time frame (1-2 pages in A4). The application shall also contain budget information which indicates costs related to the project and when applicable, information about other sources of funding available for the project, and shall be written in English.

Application deadline is 9 May 2016. Applications shall be sent to Mastibegim Milikbekova. For further information, please Contact:

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