The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is offering four fellowships for academic scholars and representatives of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in South East Asia. The fellowship takes place at RWI’s head office in Lund, Sweden. The final date for application for representatives from academic institutions is 15 of June and final date for representatives from NHRIs is 22 June.
Two fellowships for academics and scholars in Cambodia, East Timor, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (Extended deadlines for applications to 22 June)
Through international development projects and its various research and training initiatives, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law strives to be a meeting point for theory and practice in the implementation of human rights. To further support these efforts the Institute is offering two (2) three-month, full-time fellowships targeting academics and scholars from universities and academic institutions in Cambodia, East Timor, Lao PDR, Myanmar or Vietnam.
The aim of the fellowship is to contribute to increased capacities of academics and scholars to undertake applied research on a human rights theme of relevance to the Southeast Asian region.
Through the fellowship, successful candidates will get the opportunity to enhance their research skills in a conducive research environment where feedback and assistance can be sought from international experts in the human rights field. If relevant and found desirable, fellows will also be given opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills in human rights teaching methodology.
The duration of the fellowship is September – November 2015 and takes place at RWI’s head office in Lund, Sweden.
Complete description of academic fellowship
Application form
Terms of Reference
Guidelines for research plan
Read about the work of RWI’s 2014 academic fellows:
Education is key to promoting human rights
A cambodian perspective on human rights
Two fellowships for representatives of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in South East Asia
RWI is offering two (2) three month long training fellowships targeting representatives of NHRIs in South and Southeast Asia. The aim of the training fellowship is to improve the fellows’ capacity to develop and implement a human rights training project and/or to more effectively carry out applied research on human rights. As such, a major part of the fellowship will be focused on developing a human rights deliverable training/ workshop curriculum, based on the proposal in the successful candidate’s application and finalised together with RWI, and which is intended to be implemented in the fellows’ institutions and countries/region.
The duration of the fellowship is September – November 2015 and takes place at RWI’s head office in Lund, Sweden.
Complete description of NHRI fellowship
Application form
Terms of Reference
NHRI guidelines for curriculum plan
Read about the work of RWI’s 2014 NHRI fellows:
Highlighting domestic violence
Developing a human rights manual for police officers
For more information or any questions, contact:
David Eile

David Eile currently works as a Senior Programme Officer responsible for various projects under RWI’s Europe Office, focusing on different forms of academic cooperation in Europe and Cuba. Since joining RWI in 2006, David worked with various human rights programmes in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. David has an MA in Anthropology from Lund University and is a doctoral candidate in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Uppsala.