The Institute initiates cooperation with the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)

– A unique opportunity for current and recently graduated Cambodian law students to learn from, and meet with, world leading international experts in the field of international criminal law and human rights.

The Institute has initiated a cooperation with the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) with the aim of increasing the awareness and knowledge of international criminal law and human rights among law students and teachers/researchers in Cambodia.

Taking advantage of the unique internal practical knowledge and experience in international criminal law and human rights at the ECCC and its many prestigious external visiting scholars and RWI’s exceptional network among academic institutions in Cambodia, the two partners have recently launched a seminar series. The seminar series, which will offer in total 10 seminars is an important feature in the outreach activities of ECCC and will increase the awareness and knowledge of international criminal law and human rights among law students and teachers/researchers in Cambodia. The seminars will cover a wide range of topics such as “Historical approach to international criminal law”, “The substance of the crime of genocide” and “The concept of the presumption of innocence”. Each seminar lasts for two hours and includes a question and answer session where students have an opportunity to comment or ask questions on the presenters. The seminars are followed by a complimentary lunch at the ECCC where students will have a chance to discuss issues with the speakers and high-level officials of ECCC. The speakers consist of both internal ECCC experts (judges, prosecutors, defense counsels, expert staff members etc.) and external scholars visiting ECCC.

The first seminar, which was presented by Dr. Kristin Sellars, was held on 22nd July and had the title “The Origin of International Criminal Tribunals: Tokyo and Nuremberg Tribunal”. Dr. Kristin Sellars is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies at the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Law. She focuses on Asian perspectives on public international law, with a particular interest in international aggression and uses of force, international criminal law, and law of the sea.

The second seminar was held on 5th August and was presented by Ambassador David J. Scheffer, U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Expert on United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials. The title of the seminar was “The Origin of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal” and the students were provided with insights on the establishment, the legal framework and the work of ECCC. Ambassador Scheffer is Professor of Law and Director of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago and was U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues 1997-2001.

Both seminars were attended by over 80 current and recently graduated Cambodian law students from numerous universities. The next seminar will be held in September.

Read more at the ECCC- website

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