2016 – Anne Ramberg

Anne Ramberg Anna Lindh lecture

Anne Ramberg, the Secretary General of the Swedish Bar Association, called for businesses to do more to protect human rights Thursday night during the 12th annual Anna Lindh Lecture in Lund, Sweden.

“That protection is needed, not only from the national and international legislator and the judiciary, through a sound application of the law,” she said. “The human rights also need protection by civil society and – increasingly important – by the globalised and influential business community.”

Ramberg delivered her speech, “Business and Human Rights: Can Business Meet the Challenge”, in front of a packed audience on the Lund University campus.

She said there was much left to be done when it comes to corporate social responsibility, accountability and liability. “But, I do believe that, ultimately, businesses will also show that they are up to the challenge,” she said.

Read the speech


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