Environmental Rights

Maria Andrea Nardi

Andrea’s research interests focus on environmental change and territorial transformations in rural areas of the Global South. Her fields of studies in environmental and development geography brought her attention to the conflictive dynamics between economic globalization, internal armed conflicts, unequal geographies of development and local livelihoods. Conservation and development, peace and conflict, and human rights are central to my current research interest. Andrea has many years of fieldwork experience in forest regions, particularly in South America. Her last field study took place in the Congo River basin in Cameroon´s borderlands with Nigeria, and she is now planning fieldwork in Uganda.

In the interdisciplinary research Andrea has been conducting from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute and currently at Lund University -funded by FORMAS – she studies environmental change in Northern Uganda during and after the armed conflict and the policies put in place to promote peacebuilding and environmental protection.

Andrea teaches graduate and undergraduate students in Development Studies at the Graduate School of the Faculty of Social Science (LU), the Department of Human Geography, as well as graduate students in Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine (LU).

At RWI, Andrea has been involved in research capacity building activities in the Armenia, Zimbabwe, regional Africa and Belarus programmes. Within this, Andrea has taught qualitative research methods, and ethics, for human rights and HRBA to research cooperation with scholars and civil society organisations.

For further updates on her research, please refer to her Research profile:




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