Dr. Eleni Karageorgiou

Dr. Eleni Karageorgiou

Affiliated Researcher

Phone: +46 462 221 165
E-mail: eleni.karageorgiou@jur.lu.se

Eleni is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Lund University and a Researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. She is a qualified lawyer (Athens Bar Association) and a tutor at SOAS University of London, UK. Eleni has a PhD in Public International Law / LLM in International Human Rights Law.


Doctoral thesis (2018): Pursued within the Lund/Uppsala Migration Law Network (L/UMIN) titled ‘Rethinking solidarity in European asylum law. A critical reading of the key concept in contemporary refugee policy.’ Analysis of the responsibility sharing mechanisms for persons in need of protection within the EU, their distributive effects, and the way they trigger questions of solidarity and justice.

Current project: Migration and International Law in Africa, the Middle East & Turkey (MILAMET) Research Network/Réseau de recherche Migration et droit international en Afrique, au Moyen Orient et en Turquie (MEDIAMOT) led by Thomas Spijkerboer (Raoul Wallenberg visiting professor / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Teaching-supervision International law, state responsibility, treaty law, international organizations, European and African human rights systems, non-citizen rights, gender studies, refugee law, EU migration policies, legal sociology

Selected publications

The distribution of asylum responsibilities in the EU: Dublin, partnerships with third countries and the question of solidarity’, Nordic Journal of International Law, 2019 (forthcoming)

The New Asylum and Transit Countries in Europe During and in the Aftermath of the 2015/2016 Crisis, V Stoyanova and E Karageorgiou (eds), (Brill, 2018, International Refugee Law book series)

The Law and Practice of Solidarity in the Common European Asylum System: Article 80 TFEU and its Added Value’, (2016) 14epa, European Policy Analysis, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies

‘Solidarity in European asylum policies: response to a problem or part of it?’ open Democracy, September 2016

‘Downgrading asylum protection standards to coerce solidarity: Sweden as a case in point’ eumigrationlawblog.eu, May 2016

Solidarity and sharing in the Common European Asylum System: The case of Syrian refugees’, (2016) 17(2) Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 196-214

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