The Regional Africa Programme Success Story

Humanitarian Law (RWI) has made great strides in implementing the Regional Africa Programme (RAP) since it began in 2017. Together with implementing partners: Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI); Coalition for an Effective African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Court Coalition/ACC); African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF); East Africa Law Society (EALS); Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU); Equality Now and the Academic Network1, we have worked to ensure improvement in access to justice and implementation of human rights commitments across Africa. 

The impact of RAP, as authentically told in this reading by individuals we have served, is a confirmation of the enduring legacy of the programme. It therefore gives me great pleasure to present this reading to you, as a testament to the beautiful mark that the Regional Africa Programme has left behind. I hope that you enjoy the reading and that the stories inspire those of you who are passionate about advancing access to justice regionally and globally.

Sincere appreciation to all partners, stakeholders, and supporters who have been instrumental in making RAP a resounding success. The Regional Africa Programme is also forever grateful to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) specifically the Regional Section at the Embassy of Sweden in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for their generous contributions which made the achievements documented herein possible.

Enjoy your reading! 

Our Success Stories

Success Story: Violla Nabawanda

Success Story: Marie Alliance

Success Story: Merga Yadesa

Success Story: Patrick Ojakol

Success Story: Joseph Bikanda

Success Story: Agbenu Doe

Success Story: Advocate Wani Santino Jada

Success Story: Rehema Namukose

Success Story: SCP Dr. John Kamya

Success Story: Dr Wambui Njogu

Our Success in Numbers

Over 100 lawyers trained on engagement with regional human rights mechanisms

290% increase in the number of cases filed before the East African Court of Justice

6 NHRIs supported to obtain affiliate status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

21 NHRIs supported to obtain affiliate status with the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

Over 20 publications (journals, academic publications, guidelines, reports) on access to justice and implementation of human rights commitments generated.

Convened the 1st Tripartite Judicial Dialogue in Africa - Dialogue brought together judges of the African Court on Human and People’s Rights, the East African Court of Justice and the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice



RAP Success Story Booklet

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