Human Rights and the Environment

Human rights, gender equality, and the environment are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Effective environmental governance requires respecting human rights and gender equality, while these rights depend on a healthy environment. Our mission is to integrate these standards into environmental governance through coalitions and collaborations.

Since 2018, RWI’s Regional Asia Pacific Office has become a knowledge hub, producing significant research, including the report “Prosperous and Green in the Anthropocene: The Human Right to a Healthy Environment in Southeast Asia," co-created with local researchers from six ASEAN countries. These knowledge products have informed blended learning courses, workshops, and engagement, helping RWI partner with various governmental institutions.

RWI's blended learning courses have trained over 279 legal and human rights stakeholders across Asia-Pacific, enhancing their capacity to apply human rights frameworks to environmental cases. These courses have inspired judges and NHRIs in their work on climate and environmental issues. RWI fosters cross-country and cross-institutional collaboration to address transboundary issues like air pollution, climate change, and water pollution.

At the regional level, RWI collaborates with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and has supported various human rights dialogues and meetings. With consultative status with AICHR, RWI influences regional instruments and forums, including the Environment Rights Declaration and the EU-ASEAN Human Rights Forum.

Globally, RWI is an observer at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change conferences, raising awareness and influencing discourse on human rights and climate change. RWI has organized side events on topics such as climate change adaptation and just transition and is a member of the Paris Agreement’s Committee on Capacity Building.


Discussion Brief R2HE #1/ NHRIs


Discussion Brief R2HE #4/ Corporate Sector

Discussion Brief R2HE #7/ National Environmental Authority

Pathways to Just and Fair Adaptation

Women's Human Rights and Right to a Healthy Environment


Discussion Brief R2HE #2/ National Courts


Discussion Brief R2HE #5/ ASEAN

Human Rights Based Approach to Just Energy Transition

Peta Kerja Ditjen HAM terhadap Perubahan Iklim

Right to Safe Water in SEA

Discussion Brief R2HE #3/ Policymakers


Discussion Brief R2HE #6/ Prosecutors

Human Rights in the Process of National Adaptation Planning

Right to a Healthy Environment in SEA



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