RWI focuses on integrating human rights into business practices by supporting the development of domestic and international rule-based systems that compel and enable companies to respect human rights.
Guided by international standards like the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines, RWI has developed and delivered training programs for key stakeholders, including prosecutors, lawyers, and CSOs, on addressing human rights and environmental issues.
In partnership with local and international organizations, such as the Business Council for Sustainable Development in the Philippines, RWI has implemented workshops to foster business engagement in human rights and environmental sustainability. Additionally, RWI supported the Indonesia’s Ministry of Law and Human Rights on the launch of PRISMA 2.0, an updated tool for assessing business and human rights practices, and developed guidelines for local task forces in Indonesia to promote human rights in business at the local level.
Through research and collaboration, including a study on shareholder actions related to climate change and human rights that was conducted with the Nanyang Business School, RWI enhances awareness and engagement across various sectors, working to ensure that business practices respect human rights and contribute to environmental sustainability.
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Victor Bernard
Victor Bernard is a researcher and development professional with a passion for strengthening the interlinkages between human rights and the environment. Having joined the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) in 2018, he spearheaded the design and implementation of its regional capacity building initiatives, targeting judges, prosecutors and national human rights institutions across Asia and the Pacific. These initiatives aimed to strengthen these stakeholders’ capacity on leveraging human rights and gender equality to fill the legal and enforcement gaps in environmental and climate change law.
Bernard has also published extensively on displacement in climate change and disaster contexts, human rights in national adaptation processes, and the right to a healthy environment. He has presented his research in several international forums, including the Conferences of the Parties under the UNFCCC. Prior to this, Bernard has led projects related to environment and climate change, conflict and development, countering violent extremism, and the development-humanitarian nexus at the British Embassy in Bangkok (Thailand), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sweden), and the Asia Foundation (Thailand).
Bernard holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of York, and a master’s degree in International Law from the University of Edinburgh.
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