Gender equality in higher education system: ways and means of achievement (Russain language version)


This publication presents a complex study of possible ways of attainment of gender equality in the higher education system. It offers for discussion a wide range of issues: from conceptual-categorical concepts and legal regulation of policies aimed at achieving … Continue reading » “Gender equality in higher education system: ways and means of achievement (Russain language version)”

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Report on the results of gender equality analysis of Belarusian legislation regulating relations in the field of higher education (Russian language version)


This publication is the result of gender equality analysis of the Belarusian Legislation regulating educational, labour and other relations in the field of higher education. The publication is dedicated to the students of law specialties, professors and to all … Continue reading » “Report on the results of gender equality analysis of Belarusian legislation regulating relations in the field of higher education (Russian language version)”

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Report on the results of gender equality analysis of Belarusian legislation regulating relations in the field of higher education


This publication is the result of gender equality analysis of the Belarusian Legislation regulating educational, labour and other relations in the field of higher education. The publication is dedicated to the students of law specialties, professors and to all … Continue reading » “Report on the results of gender equality analysis of Belarusian legislation regulating relations in the field of higher education”

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Рекомендации по интеграции гендерного измерения в юридические исследования


The publication “Guidelines on gender dimension in legal research”  presents five concrete steps for gender dimension integration throughout the research cycle, including at the design stage, the operational phase and the reflexive phase. Specific practices aimed at gender dimension … Continue reading » “Рекомендации по интеграции гендерного измерения в юридические исследования”

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