Confirmed on 26 October 1984, by the Board of Trustees (as amended on 18 March 1996, 7 November 2002 and 17-18 September 2012)
- The aim of the Trust shall be to promote research on human rights and humanitarian law by means of establishing a research library containing works on international public law, as well as to initiate, develop, and support research and scholarly/scientific tuition in this field.
- In order to honour the achievement of Raoul Wallenberg, the name of the Trust shall be the “Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law” (“Raoul Wallenberg institutet för mänskliga rättigheter och humanitär rätt”).
- The affairs of the Trust shall be managed by a Board consisting of minimum seven and maximum eleven Trustees. One of the Trustees shall be Chairman. Chairman and Trustees are to be appointed by the Board. The term of office shall be four years for Chairman and Trustees alike. In the case of a leave of absence arising during the term of office, a new Trustee is to be appointed for the remainder of that term. The seat of the Board shall be in Lund. [Amendment approved by the Board of Trustees on 7 November 2002 and 17-18 September 2012.]
- Under the Board of Trustees, the current administration of Trust affairs shall be attended to by a Director, an Assistant Director serving as his/her deputy. The Director and the Assistant Director shall be appointed by the Board.
- The presence of six Trustees shall constitute a quorum at Board meeting. In the course of a meeting, the decision of the Board shall be that view which is supported by more than half of the votes of the present Trustees, the Chairman holding the casting vote in cases where the votes are equal except in respect of elections, which shall be settled by lot. [Amendment approved by the Board of Trustees on 7 November 2002.]
- A Trustee or a Director must not handle any issue involving an agreement between himself/herself and the Trust. Nor is he/she allowed to deal with any question regarding an agreement between the Trust and a third party, if he/she has a considerable interest in the matter which might run counter to that of the Trust. In this context, court proceedings are placed in the same category as agreements; so is any other type of legal action.
- The Board shall represent the Trust and sign on its behalf. The Board is permitted to authorise a Trustee, a Director, or another person to represent the Trust, on his/her own or in conjunction with some other person. Even without such authorisation, a Director is entitled to represent the Trust and sign on its behalf in respect of measures which belong within the framework of current administrative affairs.
- The Board is allowed to decide that fees be paid to the Chairman and to other Trustees.
- The Board shall manage the property of the Trust in such a manner that the assets concerned yield an adequate revenue and increase, taking reasonable demand for security into account. The Trust is allowed to acquire an unlimited amount of listed shares.
- All Trust property may, without any restriction as regards the right of disposal, be utilised in order to promote the purposes of the Trust according to those regulations that apply to the Trust. With regard to the disposal of the basic capital of the Trust, the regulations contained in the decision concerning contributions from the “Marcus and Amalia Wallenbergs Minnesfond” (the “Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Memorial fund”) shall be observed.
- The Board shall, in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, be responsible for ensuring that current book-keeping is performed during the financial year and concluded by the presentation of annual accounts. As from 1 January 1997, the financial year of the Trust shall comprise the calender year. [Amendment approved by the Board of Trustees on 18 March 1996.]
- To the extent prescribed by generally accepted auditing standards, the annual accounts of the Trust, any other accounting record, and the management of the Board and of the Director shall be examined by an authorised public accountant (auktoriserad revisor) or an authorised public accounting firm (auktoriserat revisonsbolag). The accountant, or the accounting firm, shall be appointed by the Rector´s Office at the University of Lund.
- For each financial year, the accountants shall submit an auditor´s report to the Board no later than four months after the expiration of the financial year concerned. To the extent prescribed by generally accepted auditing standards, the report of the auditor (s) shall contain a statement regarding observations made in the course of the examination of Trust matters.
- The fee paid to the accountant or the accounting firm shall be determined by the Board.
- A copy of the annual accounts and the auditor´s report shall be sent to the Rector´s Office at the university of Lund no later than five months after the expiration of the financial year.
- The Rector´s Office at the University of Lund is authorised to take legal action against a Trustee according to section 6 or 7 of the Supervision of Trusts and Foundations Act (1929:116).
- The Trust shall be exempted from supervision according to the Supervision of Trusts and Foundations Act (1929:116).
- The Board is permitted to make decisions concerning alterations in this Charter observing the regulations set forth in the Deed to gift of 26 October 1984.