Every month, Lena dives into the shelves to find particularly interesting books on burning human rights topics. Check them out:
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Human Rights
Human Rights are basic rights and freedoms that every human being is entitled to, irrespective of his or her nationality, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin, language, sexual orientation, place of residence or any other status. Each person is equally entitled to human rights without discrimination. Human Rights are therefore considered to be universal rights. These include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, the right to education, the right to food as well as economic, social, and cultural rights.
Human Rights are often expressed and ensured by law in the form of national legislation, international treaties, customary international law, general principles and other sources of international law. Human Rights entail both rights and obligations. States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfill human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. At the individual level, each person should also respect the human rights of others.
About the Library
The library has one of Europe's largest and most current collections of international law with a focus on human rights. The collection consists of 30,000 titles, mainly in English and Swedish, and a vast number of electronic resources. Read More
Search Systems and Catalogs at Lund University
LubCat is the library catalog of the libraries at Lund University. In LubCat you find the books of the RWI Library.
Compilation of e-publications available at Lund University. Requires title, ISBN or ISSN
Covers books and journals in printed and electronic formats
List of Databases A-Z
Licensed and free resources selected by librarians and provided by Lund University libraries.
Lund University Libraries
An overview of catalogs and services provided by Lund University Libraries
Swedish University Libraries and Swedish Research Libraries
In Libris you find the books of the RWI Library as well as books, journals, dissertations, etc. held by all Swedish university libraries and Swedish research libraries. Books at RWI-Library>choos the name > tick the box.
International catalogs
WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide
Information Resources at other Libraries
The Nordic Africa Institute specializes in contemporary Africa and its holdings cover the entire continent
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
Research Guides
LibGuide to Human Rights
A guide to International law, human rights, and humanitarian law. Free resources available on different websites.
LibGuide to reference management. Tools
A guide in Swedish and English
LibGuide to reference management: Reference styles
What We Wish To Achieve at the Library
- Create an academic environment that is stimulating, motivating and enriching
- Promote the use of the Library as a research and learning tool
- Create an outward-looking, user-friendly range of services
- Identify and provide access to all forms of information and literature for researchers, teachers, course participants, students, and staff at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute
- Ensure that the books and periodicals selected and managed by the Library are relevant, support the course curricula and meet users’ need
- Play an active role in teaching and research activities and facilitate learning, equipping users with information retrieval skills and providing a supportive library environment
- Develop good working relations with other libraries
- Support to Libraries
Developing a Human Rights Library
RWI has found library support activities of high importance to achieve greater effects of and sustain other capacity development initiatives. RWI’s experiences as accounted for above in this respect have been collected in the publication 'Developing a Human Rights Library'. This 130-page resource covers a vast amount of material, from an introduction to basic human rights and the role the human rights library can play to more detailed chapters on how to search for human rights material, acquire materials for the library and use open source resources to the benefit of users.
Read more here: Developing a Human Rights Library and Library Support note
Library Rules
- If you have brought a laptop, please choose a desk without a computer.
- Books are not supposed to be left on the desks. Someone else might need them. You have to return them yourself on the trolley reserved for that purpose.
- You are allowed to reserve six (6) books for two weeks. Place these books on the reserved shelves with the back visible. Place a note with your full name and the reservation time in one of the books. Please take into account that other persons might have a need for books. Please put them back as soon as possible.
- The desks are reserved for persons that have a direct need for the books and journals available at the RWI Library.
- The price for copying and printing is the same as at other Lund University Libraries
- In order to print or copy at the library, you need a StiL account.
- Please follow this guide for how to set up all relevant accounts
- Follow this guide to print from your own device
- If you have any questions, please ask the Library staff