Learn with Lena: Book Tips On Migration

This month, we highlight the World Refugee Day (June 20).

Migration is a human rights issue and a topic that affects us all.. The concept itself is surrounded by misconceptions and unfortunately too, ignorance.

If you are interested in learning more  about migration, this is what Lena, your librarian at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, recommends you to read:

The age of migration: international population movements in the modern world

– Hein de Hass, Stephen Castles and Mark J. Miller – 2020

ISBN: 1352007126. Find the book at shelf 65:1 at the RWI-Library.

This book is a comprehensive guide to global mobility. In a time when ‘everybody’ has an opinion about migration, this book can serve as a reference book for you who wishes to learn about international migration.

The books contains chapter about theories of migration, migration in different continents, identity, ethnicity, and much more, says Lena Olsson, our librarian.

What a great surprise! When I googled “Age of migration” to find a review, I found this website: Age of Migration  It contains additional case studies and links of interest.





The Penguin book of migration literature: departures, arrivals, generations, returns

– edited with an by Dohra Ahmad – 2019

ISBN: 9780143133384
Find the book at shelf 65:1 at the RWI-Library

An anthology of migration literature featuring short stories by Mohsin Hamid, Zadie Smith, Marjane Satrapi, Salman Rushdie and many other well-known authors. The anthology shows the diversity among migrant experiences. Fiction often helps us deepen our understanding and strengthen our humanity.

Global migration: patterns, processes, and politics

– Elizabeth Mavroudi and Caroline Nagel

2016. – ISBN: 9780415683869 List of references after each chapter. Find the book at shelf 65:1 at the RWI-Library

From the publisher: “Global Migration provides a clear, concise, and well-organized discussion of historical patterns and contemporary trends of migration, while guiding the readers through an often difficult and politicised topic.”

This is a guide to understanding global migration. It begins with a historical overview of global migration from the sixteenth century and onwards. The book focuses on labour migration, migration and development, refugees, state regulation, citizenship and integration as well as migrant lives and identities.

Migration without borders: essays on the free movement of people

 – edited by Antoine Pécoud and Paul de Guchteneire

2007. – ISBN: 9781845453466. Find the book at shelf 65:1 at the RWI-Library.

This book contains interesting thoughts that may provoke in its’ way of arguing. It advocates for free movement.

Review in Population and Development Review 2009, Vol. 35, No. 3 p 652:

“In the foreword to this book Pierre Sane, UNESCO Assistant Director-General, notes that under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights everyone has the right to leave their country but that there is no complementary right of entry; hence “many people are being deprived of their right to emigrate by an absence of possibilities to immigrate.” “Mobility,” he declares, “is a resource to which everyone should have access.” The editors and contributors are only slightly less insistent, and set out to explore the implications of that radical proposition – what they call the migration without borders (MVB) scenario.”

Websites/other interesting sources of information on migration

Reliable facts about migration on the websites below:

  1. International Organization for Migration (IOM) 
  2. World Economic Forum. Global migration, by the numbers: who migrates, where they go and where. From the introduction: ‘There are an estimated 272 million international migrants around the world. And while that equals just 3.5% of the world’s population, it already surpasses some projections for 2050. Since 1970, the number of people living in a country other than where they were born has tripled’.
  3. Migration Data Portal -with subtitles.  The bigger picture
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