Fair, efficient, humane and accountable justice systems provide a cornerstone in a society based on human rights and the rule of law.
Throughout our history and together with partner institutions all over the world, we have contributed significantly to promote the development of justice systems providing access to justice for all and treating everybody in contact with its institutions with respect for their human rights and freedoms.
Highlights from 2020
New Programme in Armenia
Armenia recently embarked on ambitious reform processes. The 2018 “Velvet Revolution” provided a window of opportunity for change. But, it also highly polarised the Armenian society around a number of human rights issues, such as domestic violence and LGBT rights. Read about our new programme in Armenia.
Highlights within the Thematic Area ‘Fair & Efficient Justice’
Last year was a tough year. The pandemic has proven particularly challenging for our various partnerships with correctional services internationally, with access to prisons generally restricted. Nevertheless, we managed to carry out some key things.
Year in Review 2020Back to main: Year in Review 2020
For more information, please contact:
Josh Ounsted

Josh is Head of the Thematic Area ‘Access to Justice’.
He previously served as the Director of the RWI Regional Office in Nairobi and before that as Director of the Institute’s Office in Jakarta. Prior to working for RWI, he worked for organisations including the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, and the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights.