Note from the director of the Jakarta office
Helena Olsson

Helena Olsson
Country Director - Afghanistan
Phone: + 46 46 222 12 20
Helena has a Master Degree in Political Science with focus on Human Rights, Peace and Democracy from Lund University. She has worked with development, human rights and in the humanitarian field since 2001, for Swedish Embassies/Sida and UNHCR in Central and South America; at Sida Headquarters Humanitarian Team in Stockholm; and subsequently with academic institutions and NHRIs in Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North Africa; and South/Southeast Asia since she joined the Institute in 2010.
Between 2016 and 2018 she led the development and start-up of a new regional Asia team and office in Jakarta, and of regional programmes focusing on human rights and environment/climate change, as well as the integration of human rights into Agenda 2030 plans in the region.
She was also team leader of the thematic focus area People on the Move 2016-2017, and currently leads an internal working group of human rights and local governments.
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The Raoul Wallenberg Institute initiated activities in Indonesia in 1999. In 2001 and 2002, the Institute intensified cooperation with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and a field office was established in Jakarta in 2005.
Our main partner in Indonesia is the Directorate General of Human Rights (DGHR) at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and RWI assists the Directorate in implementing the Indonesian National Human Rights Action Plan (RAN HAM).

Since 2007, RWI has also been supporting the ministries’ Directorate General of Corrections (DGC) in securing the implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and other relevant international standards in seven correctional institutions, including two juvenile facilities. The aim is to enhance the skills and knowledge of DGC and staff at the seven institutions on how to operate a prison in compliance with human rights standards and professional prison management principles.
RWI signed a memorandum of understanding with DGC in January 2015 and conducted a nationwide leadership and auditor training in October 2014 and throughout 2015.
In addition, RWI has been supporting the implementation of Law no. 11/2012 on a Juvenile Criminal Justice System in Indonesia by reviewing implementing regulations, supporting the integrated training systems and the social workers training, and assisting in the creation of a system for monitoring compliance.
Other important partners of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Indonesia have included:
- the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights
- the National Commission on Violence Against Women
- the Human Rights Study Centres at the University of Surabaya and University of Padjadjaran in Bandung.
We have also acted in an advisory role to the Bilateral Dialogue on Human Rights between the governments of Sweden and Indonesia.
The programme in Indonesia is financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNICEF.
The Office in Jakarta
Helena Olsson

Helena Olsson
Country Director - Afghanistan
Phone: + 46 46 222 12 20
Helena has a Master Degree in Political Science with focus on Human Rights, Peace and Democracy from Lund University. She has worked with development, human rights and in the humanitarian field since 2001, for Swedish Embassies/Sida and UNHCR in Central and South America; at Sida Headquarters Humanitarian Team in Stockholm; and subsequently with academic institutions and NHRIs in Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East and North Africa; and South/Southeast Asia since she joined the Institute in 2010.
Between 2016 and 2018 she led the development and start-up of a new regional Asia team and office in Jakarta, and of regional programmes focusing on human rights and environment/climate change, as well as the integration of human rights into Agenda 2030 plans in the region.
She was also team leader of the thematic focus area People on the Move 2016-2017, and currently leads an internal working group of human rights and local governments.
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Wulan Tangkudung

Wulan Tangkudung
Senior Programme Associate
Phone: +62 21 719 0409
Wulan holds a bachelor degree in Mass Communication from Universitas Indonesia, a degree in German language from the same University and a postgraduate diploma in Events Management from Switzerland. Wulan has previous work experience as Administrative and Finance department of the 6th ASEAN Para Games, Account and Promotion Executive in FEMINA group and as an Au-pair in Austria.
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For more information on the Institute’s cooperation in Indonesia, please contact us at +62 21 719 4168.
Visiting address:
Grand Kemang Hotel, The Office
Jalan Kemang Raya No. 2H
12730, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesiaote