What the Library Can Do for You

The Library strives to create an academic environment that is stimulating, motivating, and enriching, as well as to promote the itself as a research and learning tool. Amongst other things we can: 

Help you to find the book you are looking for: 
While Google provides an enormous catalogue of books it is usually not enough help when looking for books on a certain topic or to locate where to access the book.  We will guide you to the catalogues where you find the bibliographic information and in which library you can find the book.   

Help you to find books on a topic you are looking for: 
It can be difficult to know from titles what a book is about.  We will help you locate relevant material for you on specific topics. As a part of the profession, librarians often know about the contents since we have read reviews and made a choice from publishers’ information on tier websites. Our library staff wishes to contribute to an atmosphere built on trust and collaboration, and are happy to do so with you. By knowing your topics of interest or topic for thesis, we can find books in the library or purchase them for you. 

We want to surprise you with books that are perhaps not expected to be found in the Library – old books with modern thoughts, new books with old thoughts. Take your time to explore the collection filled with philosophy, commemoratives, international relations and background to conflicts.   

Order books from other libraries-inter library loan: 
If a title is not available at the RWI-Library and is no longer available for purchasing, we can make an interlibrary loan for you. The book will be sent from another library to the RWI-library for you to borrow.  

Train you in information dissemination and retrieval using UN-databases:  
Studying and working in the field of human rights requires knowledge on how and where to find documents from different bodies, reservations and voting records. Since the UN has decides in many areas, there is a need to understand the structure of UN documentation.  We can help  

Search in complex databases for cases and articles:  
We can help to train you in using advanced search option to find cases and comments to cases.  

Train you to use reference manager-programs to facilitate your writings: 
Reference manager programs like Zotero and End Note helps to create catalogues where you can save you finding to be used when writing. We can assist you in how to use such programs.

Organise gathering and presentations:  
In non-covid times, the Library staff organise presentations by RWI staff members, RWI guests, and students on certain topics. Welcome to contribute to these informal gathering at the conference room in the Library.  

 And much more – please let us know how we can help you!  


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