Teresa Cappiali

Teresa Cappiali

Affiliated Scholar

E-mail: Teresa.cappiali@rwi.lu.se

Teresa Cappiali is a researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) in Lund and a Lecturer in international migration at the Graduate School of Social Science at Lund University. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Université de Montréal, Canada. Her research areas are in the fields of international migration and immigrants’ inclusion in society, social movement studies, racism, gender-based violence, and human rights in Mediterranean Region. Moreover, she also has a project  on alternative pedagogies and human rights to solve conflicts around diversity and to promote inclusion of marginalized groups in society.

She is a Vinnova MSCA-Seal of Excellence Fellow for the project INTERSEC-RACE – Migration Politics, Racism and Gender Violence in Morocco and on the Moroccan-Spanish Borders. The project was funded by Vinnova after receiving the Seal of Excellence in March 2019 from the European Commission  for the quality of the proposal under the Programme Individual Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. This empirical study focuses on Morocco and on both sides of the Moroccan-Spanish borders to examine the nexus between the politics of migration and the socio-political operation of contemporary racism at its intersection with increasing gender-based violence against Sub-Saharan immigrants heading to Europe.

During her academic career, she held position as a post-doc and junior researcher in the Department of Gender Studies at Lund University (2019-2020) and at the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Italy (2016-2018). She was also visiting scholars in distinct research centers focusing on migration topics and human rights in North America, Europe and North Africa, including the International University of Rabat, Université de Montréal, Concordia University, Cornell University, University of Toronto and the European University Institute.

Dr. Cappiali has considerable experience as an international consultant on issues of migration, diversity and human rights in Italy, Canada, and Morocco. She is presently an active member of the Canadian Council for Refugees (https://ccrweb.ca). Her work has appeared in  international journals, such as International Migration Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Southern European Society and Politics, European Journal of Political Research as well as in several chapters of co-authored books.


For further updates on her research, please refer to her Research profile:


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