Danang Aditya Nizar has years of experience working in the international development sector, with various thematic areas such as education, youth engagement, disaster risk reduction, displacement, gender, and sustainable agriculture.
He started his career in the sector with UNOCHA, supporting the Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency in preparing the Disaster Risk Management Baseline Status Report, as mandated by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. He also has experience in emergency response, where he was deployed to implement a Displacement Tracking Matrix with IOM during the Mt. Agung eruption in 2017. He was also a certified trainer of camp coordination and camp management modules with IOM.
Danang holds a Master’s degree in Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation from the University of Sussex, UK, with a specialization in refugees, displacement, and humanitarian response.
In his spare time, Danang Aditya Nizar remotely manages a bed and breakfast in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera.