Anna Bruce is a senior researcher who focuses on the human right to equality and in particular disability equality. After being part of the negotiations of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) her work is dedicated to developing and spreading knowledge about and implementing the CRPD.
At RWI Anna contributes to the implementation of the CRPD through the courts by leading the Disability Human Rights Clinic in cooperation with the Law faculty at Lund university. She assists in the development of national disability law and policy by regularly contributing to government investigations on the implementation of the CRPD. Anna also works together with municipalities, private companies and Disabled Peoples Organizations to translates the CRPD into concrete action. Examples of this are the urban design project Fair Share with Tengbom Architecture, Ri.SE and Helsingborg Stad and the project Article 19 as a tool developing indicators for the right to a self-determined life in the community with Independent Living Institute.
Beyond Disability equality, Anna is the researcher at RWI responsible for reporting to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on the implementation of human rights in Sweden. Anna teaches mainly at Lund university, at the Law faculty in the LL.M in Law and the LL.M in Human Rights Law and at Human Rights Studies at the Faculty of history in their Ph.D program.
Annas current research interests include the development of the concept of equality and non-discrimination in international law; systemic state obligations under the CRPD and their application to Sweden; implementation of the CRPD through national courts; human rights obligations and implementation by municipal actors; and urban design as a tool to realize equality and human rights. She recently published a book chapter on the concept of equality in international law and is currently developing it into a monograph for Brill. She developed the state obligations under the CRPD in an expert report on Swedish disability law and policy regarding the right to personal assistance and is currently finalizing a book chapter on the role of the Swedish courts in implementing the CRPD. Ahead, she is planning research output based on her work with the implementation of the CRPD through municipal governance.