Christian Ranheim

Christian Ranheim is a Norwegian human rights lawyer with 25 years of experience from academia and in managing complex human rights projects internationally. He brings extensive experience from previous work in the Asia Pacific region, including as a former country … Continue reading » “Christian Ranheim”

Renata Oktaviani

Renata Oktaviani is currently a MEAL officer at RWI, Jakarta office. She started her career in the development sector with the ASEAN Secretariat, with the main responsibility of managing regional projects, including the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) activities.

After obtaining … Continue reading » “Renata Oktaviani”

Asia Programme

The Asia Programme aimed to empower organizations and institutions to implement human rights initiatives, believing this would improve conditions for those in poverty. Through activities like seminars and training programs, it sought to empower rights-holders and duty-bearers. 

The Asia Programme

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Regional Asia Pacific Programme: Advancing Just Transitions to Climate Resilient and Nature-Positive Societies (RAPP 2) 

Between 2017 and 2024, RWI successfully implemented the Regional Asia Programme on Human Rights and Sustainable Development (RAPP 1), focusing on human rights, gender equality, and sustainable development. 

Building on RAPP 1’s successes, RWI introduces the Regional Asia Pacific Programme:

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Access to Environmental Justice

Access to justice for victims of climate change and environmental degradation remains limited, hindering their ability to hold governments accountable for their obligations. Strengthening access to justice through enhanced capacities and cross-institutional coordination between legal professionals

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