Yaş Dostu Kentlere Doğru (Towards Age-Friendly Cities)


There is a rapid demographic transformation worldwide. In the next 10 years, it is estimated that the population of older adults globally will be over 1 billion and the population living in the cities will be almost 70%. Thus, Turkey, which is one of the most rapidly aging countries, will shortly cease to be “an old society” and have a place in the “very old society” classification. Such transformation indicates a necessity for inclusive and sustainable policy making at local and national levels in the future especially in developing countries such as Turkey. Because, as a country, it is aging before getting rich, Turkey will likely face great pressure at the environmental level.

Accessibility needs of many people in the city are ignored. Vulnerable groups of societies are turning into long-term “prisoners of space” in unsuitable housing and neighbourhoods or in new and unknown areas. All these reasons reveal the necessity of designing an age-friendly environment and making it sustainable. Okay, but how? SOLIS presents fundamental principles and samples to identify risks and transform them in a short time period. Local governments, institutional care providers, employees of institutions such as nursing homes, family member caregivers, children, youth, adults, older adults, patients or those in need of care, shortly, all people who want to create a safe environment by identifying risks in their homes can benefit from the SOLIS guide.

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