Report from a seminar on academic freedom, Lund 9-11 march, 1992.
The Seminar was organized by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitatian Law, and co-sponsored by UNESCO, the Standing Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities (CRE) and the World University Service.
The present report is not a detailed description of the discussions of the seminar but it attempts to place the issues in a systematic and analytical order for easier access to the main issues and for the convenience of the reader.
Four declarations are included in the annex to this report: the Lima Declaration (1988); the Bologna Declaration-Magna Charta of European Universities (1988); the Dar es Salaam Declaration (1990) and the Kampala Declaration (1990)
The present report has been edited and written by Ulf Johansson Dahre