Human Rights Cities and the SDGs

Cities are well-positioned to realize both sustainable development goals and human rights. Policy implementation, delivery of public services, and the reproduction of inclusive societies take place in cities, where 80 per cent of global GDP is generated (SDSN 2016:11). Cities are also home to extreme poverty, socio-economic disparities, unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, and human rights violations. Recognizing the linkages  between human rights cities and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will help cities achieve their important milestones in both arenas. To support this work, this paper sets out specific ways in which the SDGs intersect and reinforce the efforts of human rights cities – and how human rights cities can operationalize the SDGs in ways that enhance their success in furthering the human rights of urban residents. The process is threefold:  analytical, participatory, and transformative.

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