Anna Bruce on systemic challenges to the implementation of the CRPD in Sweden

Anna Bruce, Senior Researcher at RWI, shares insights from her participation in the review of Sweden by the CRPD Committee and her work on Sweden’s current implementation of the CRPD.

-Work in progress version of book chapter in Swedish: Bruce, A, Funktionsrättskonventionen: Fördragskonform tolkning i norm(dis)harmoni, Lind, A-S, Thorburn Stern, R. & Österdahl, I. (red.) (2024). Folkrätten i svensk rätt. Ett nytt decennium. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Reports by the students in the Lund Disability Human Rights Clinic on Access to Justice

-The recorded dialogue between the CRPD Committee and the Swedish delegation:

-Closing statement from the CRPD Committee after the dialogue between the CRPD Committee and the Swedish delegation:
– Download:

Concluding observation by the CRPD Committee after the dialogue between the CRPD Committee and the Swedish delegation

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