The right to adequate housing in the context of urban disaster displacement in Sierra Leone, Kenya and Uganda

One of the most distinctive dimensions of the FIRE framework is its focus on fundamental rights and equality as developed under international human rights law. Whereas other dimensions of FIRE feature in myriad other frameworks, the focus on the catalogue … Continue reading » “The right to adequate housing in the context of urban disaster displacement in Sierra Leone, Kenya and Uganda”

Examining governance systems and structures relevant to urban disaster displacement in Sierra Leone, Kenya and Uganda

Towards the end of 2022, country teams participating in the public sector innovation programme developed problem descriptions that would guide their examination of issues concerning climate-related displacement into or within their cities. During January, work focused on exploring more closely
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Research Fellows

To support maintained and/or enhanced capacities of Afghan researchers to produce high quality research that contribute to monitoring, promoting and protecting human rights in Afghanistan, each year eight to twelve Afghan scholars will be selected in a highly competitive process

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