“Extraordinary people deserve an extraordinary prize – the Raoul Wallenberg Prize” – Join us in celebrating those who make a difference in defending human rights!
Do you know someone or an organization that has gone above and beyond to protect the rights of others? Their extraordinary actions have positively impacted lives and deserve recognition! The Council of Europe wants to honor their work with a prize of 10,000 euros!
Let’s shine a spotlight on those brave individuals or groups who have acted beyond the call of duty, making a lasting impact on people’s lives. Their dedication to human rights is truly remarkable!
Nominate them now and let’s give credit where it’s due. Together, we can celebrate their achievements and inspire others to champion human rights!
The deadline for applications is 31 October 2023.
At the initiative of the Swedish Government and the Hungarian Parliament, the Council of Europe has created a Raoul Wallenberg Prize in order to keep the memory of Raoul Wallenberg’s achievements alive.
Nominations must be submitted on the present electronic form. All the rubrics of the form should be duly completed, in electronic format. If necessary, the form can be requested to the address wallenberg.prize@coe.int
Featured image: Council of Europe
Posted in: Direct Engagement,