Regional Asia Pacific Office organises an end-of Programme event after 7 years

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of human rights and humanitarian law’s (RWI) Regional Asia Pacific Programme (RAPP) has organised an end-of programme closing event called ‘Synergies for Sustainable Change: Connecting Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Environmental Protection in Asia and the Pacific’ in Jakarta, highlighting the RWI Regional Asia Pacific Office (RAPO) end of the programme that has been ongoing since 2017 to 2024.

The hybrid event showcased RWI RAPP work results from 2017 to 2024 and invited some RWI working partners in the region, both online and offline, including the Directorate General of the Human Rights Ministry of Law and the Human Rights Republic of Indonesia.

RWI Executive Director Peter Lundberg gave his recorded opening remarks, followed by Dr. Dhahana Putra, Bc.IP., S.H., M.Si., Director General of Human Rights, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia, and Dr. Jason Squire, Director, RWI Regional Asia Pacific Office. On that occasion, representatives from the Swedish Embassy in Jakarta also attended the event.

The one-day event was hosted by Danang Nizar RWI Programme Officer, who provided two sessions of discussions and a film screening event. The first panel discussion, titled Evolution of Discourse on Human Rights and Environment in Asia Pacific, was moderated by Unang Mulkan from FIHRRST, and the second panel discussion, titled Converging Pathways: Navigating Complex Terrain for Sustainable Impact, was moderated by Windi Arini, RWI Programme Officer. While the film screening of RWI Asia Pacific Award 2023 winner and nominee films, namely Blue Poetry and A Sonorous Melody, has been facilitated by Yudha Pratama, RWI Communication Officer.

After seven years of implementation, the RAPP will come to an end in April 2024. During this period, RAPP has, according to the RWI-commissioned impact study, been instrumental in advancing the right to a healthy environment in regional discourse while empowering a diverse range of actors with the necessary tools, evidence, capacity, and commitment to improve both human rights and environmental protection and climate change outcomes across the Asia-Pacific region.

In this respect, RWI organised an end-of-project event that provides a unique opportunity to acknowledge and reflect on the collective achievements of the project with a mix of panel presentations and discussion. It also included a gallery walk featuring the resources produced by the programme over the past seven years, as well as a film screening event.



Live streaming from the event:

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