Peter Lundberg, Executive Director of RWI, met with Daniel Blockert, the Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.

Meeting with Daniel Blockert, Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia

Peter Lundberg, Executive Director of RWI, met with Daniel Blockert, the Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia on Tuesday, 28 May 2024. During their discussion, the Swedish Embassy expressed appreciation for the solid cooperation RWI has maintained with the Government of Indonesia and RWI’s active role in the Southeast Asia region. This is exemplified by RWI’s unique position as the only European organization with a consultative relationship with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR).

Peter Lundberg, Executive Director of RWI, met with Daniel Blockert, the Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.Peter Lundberg shared insights on RWI’s work in the area of business and human rights, which aligns with the Swedish foreign affairs direction of fostering greater collaboration between international development and trade. “RWI is part of Team Sweden,” Lundberg noted. “You can see us as available resources to support business and human rights efforts with the Swedish trade delegation.”

Ambassador Blockert commended RWI’s focus on business and human rights, stating, “It is great that RWI continues working on this area, as it aligns with Sweden’s strategy to integrate international development and trade.”

The meeting was followed by a lunch with RWI partners, attended by Dr. Harniati, Director of Human Rights Cooperation at MoLHR, Dr. Raditya Jati, Deputy Minister of System and Strategy at the National Disaster Management Agency, Le Thi Nam Huong, Head of the Human Rights Division of ASEAN, Laura Naw from FORUM-ASIA, and Aryanto Nugroho from Publish What You Pay Indonesia. Each partner expressed their appreciation for their ongoing cooperation with RWI and their hope to continue this fruitful collaboration in the future.Peter Lundberg, Executive Director of RWI, met with Daniel Blockert, the Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.

Dr. Jati highlighted, “RWI’s ongoing work to address the interlinkages between human rights and the environment can be leveraged to enhance RWI’s unique niche in promoting the Sustainable Resilience concept, which aims to break the silos between climate change, disaster management, and sustainable development.”

Mr. Nugroho added, “We need to make the ‘just’ element of Just Energy Transition more operational, and we hope to continue our work with RWI to achieve this.”

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