Apply to the Inclusion Academy 2017

In 2017 the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) organizes the Inclusion Academy for the first time. The overall purpose of the academy is to contribute to inclusive societies and greater participation in democratic processes by newly arrived migrants and refugees by providing the means to make their voices heard and strengthen their ability to influence policy and decision making that affects their lives. The Inclusion academy thus aims at strengthening the capacity of organizations established and run by recently arrived migrants and refugees.

The programme will be organized in three modules from August – October 2017. Each module starts with a face-to-face meeting in Lund and will also contain certain elements to be completed in-between the face-to-face meetings. The final content of the programme will be developed in close cooperation with the selected participants, but will include elements about:

  • Basic human rights with introductions to the international human rights system as well as the European human rights system.
  • Governance structures in Denmark, Sweden and Finland
  • Role and operations of civilsociety organizations In Finland, Denmark and Sweden
  • Organization and project management
  • Advocacy and engaging with authorities
  • Communications
  • Personal coaching

The modules in Lund will be organized 28 August – 3 September, 23-27 October and 14-16 November 2017. Before the first module, there will be a meeting to discuss and finalize the programme together with the participants. In addition to this participants will be asked to carry out a project within their own organization for the duration of the course, and there will be shorter internships in each respective country for the participants individually. Each participant will also be assigned a personal coach as support during the entire programme. The programme aim to be very interactive, and participants are to expect to be actively engaged in different assignments, workshops etc. Costs for travel, accommodation and per diem for the time spent in Lund will be covered by RWI.
The project should aim at strengthening the operational capacity of the organization, either in its internal work or in its outreach activities.

Selection process

We seek to select representatives from nine different organizations, three from each country, namely Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Deadline for applying is 9 June 2017. When we select participants, we will consider the following:

  • The purpose and mission of the organization
  • The organizational support for the candidate and the proposed project
  • A clear demand analysis by the organization – why are you nominating a candidate
  • The clarity of the project described.

We will aim for a mix of organizations with different purposes and representing different groups in society. We aim for a balance of men and women as participants.

Download application form
Please send the application to Zophie Landahl at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Zophie Landahl either by e-mail or by phone:

Zophie Landahl

Zophie Landahl

Executive Assistant to the Executive Director

Phone: +46 46 222 12 24
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