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China in Latin America and the Caribbean: Can the Escazu Agreement Play a Role in Delivering Climate and Biodiversity Outcomes?

Learnings from a workshop on green transitions and environmental rights

In collaboration with Dialogue Earth, Núcleo Milenio sobre los Impactos de China en América Latina (ICLAC)and Faculdad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), the Raoul Wallenberg … Continue reading » “China in Latin America and the Caribbean: Can the Escazu Agreement Play a Role in Delivering Climate and Biodiversity Outcomes?”

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Open post

Unbundling the human right to a clean and healthy environment and its role in enhancing grassroots voice and activism.

Discussion Brief No.1, written by Robert Kibugi, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi.

Thoughts from the Nairobi Conference: Environmental Law from Below: Grassroot and Human Rights Perspectives on the Human Environment Agenda (Stockholm+50)    

1. Introduction

On 27 September … Continue reading » “Unbundling the human right to a clean and healthy environment and its role in enhancing grassroots voice and activism.”

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