Mid-term Review of RWI’s Regional Asia Programme 2017-2021

In August 2019, the Institute commissioned an independent, external mid-term review (MTR) of the “RWI Regional Asia Programme on Human Rights and Sustainable Development 2017-2021” (RAP). The main objective of the MTR was to generate information on how effective and efficient the RAP had been in achieving results, as well as on its relevance. RWI was looking for an independent critical review which could identify both positive and negative aspects to achieving the established objective of the RAP. On this basis, the review was also expected to provide relevant suggestions for furthering results achievement in areas within the scope of the programme.

RAP, funded by Swedish Development Cooperation, was launched in 2017 and commenced with a one year pilot phase, which aimed to validate and consolidate strategies and partnerships for the implementation phase 2018-2021. The overall programme objective is to contribute to a just, inclusive and sustainable development in the region through mutually reinforcing protection of human rights, gender equality and the environment. The programme document makes a provision for a mid-term review of the programme to be carried out in 2019.

The MTR was carried out during July-September 2019 by the Swedish consultancy firm Sthlm Policy Group (SPG) who had been selected for the assignment through a tendering procedure in accordance with RWI’s Procurement Policy. A final report from the MTR was submitted to RWI in early October 2019 and was subsequently shared and discussed with Sida.


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