Den statliga LSS-utredningen tycks inte ta hänsyn till FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning, skriver forskarna Anna Bruce och Anna Nilsson.… Continue reading » “LSS-haveri – utredningen strider mot konventioner”
Continue readingPublications / Keyword: mänskliga rättigheter
Rättegången som en mänsklig rättighet
Artikeln behandlar rättegångsprocessen som en del av de mänskliga rättigheterna, dess centrala beståndsdelar och dess funktion ur såväl teoretisk som praktisk synvinkel.… Continue reading » “Rättegången som en mänsklig rättighet”
Continue readingIn search of equality – A critical analysis of non-discrimination provisions in human rights treaties as they apply to migrant workers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Institutionalisation of corporate social responsibilities : synergies between the practices of leading multinational enterprises and human rights law/policy
The study accounts for recent developments in corporate voluntarism and assesses the evolving corporate social responsibility (CSR) regime. CSR proposes a new norm for how large businesses should approach complexity in a modern economy. The first chapter anchors the CSR … Continue reading » “Institutionalisation of corporate social responsibilities : synergies between the practices of leading multinational enterprises and human rights law/policy”
Continue readingArticle 4
Greenland under chapter XI of the United Nations Charter. A continuing international law dispute
Minority rights: a guide to United Nations procedures and institutions
Irāka (2). Mazo valstu interese starptautiskajā tiestiskajā kartībā [Iraq (2). The interest of small States in the international legal order]
The effects of CSR for the protection of human rights
This article addresses the relationship between transnational corporations (TNCs) and human rights (HR) in the third world. My focus will be on three aspects: first, the rise of an informal norm (the norm of effectiveness) which I perceive as a … Continue reading » “The effects of CSR for the protection of human rights”
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