International Journal on Minority and Group Rights

The International Journal on Minority and Group Rights is devoted to interdisciplinary studies of the legal, ploitical, economic and social problems which minorities and indigenous peoples face in all countries of the world. For the purposes of the Journal, groups are seen as clearly recognizable segments of society, defined by such relatively constant factors as national or ethnic origin, religion, culture or language. Current developments, not least the spread of violent ethnic and religious conflicts, underline the need for a periodical publication dealing with the rights of persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples and of the groups themselves. The journal pays special attention to the contribution which human rights standards and good governance guidelines can make to a better world for all.. The Journal aims to become the primary forum for the discussion of the vitally important field of studies which it covers.

Editor-in-Chief: Gudmundur Alfredsson

Guidelines for the Submission of Articles

The IJGMR welcomes the submission of articles in electronic format. Submissions should be written in standard English, well-documented with complete footnote references, and should address topical issues in the fields covered by the Journal. They should be sent, via e-mail attachment in MS Word only, to the Managing Editor. Authors should retain an electronic version of the article as submitted. Every effort will be made to inform contributors of the outcome of the peer review process in a timely manner.

Contributions should be submitted in accordance with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute Journal Style Guidelines

Managing Editor:

Timothy Maldoon

Timothy Maldoon

Programme Officer

Phone: + 46 46 222 12 48

Timothy holds a LLM (jur. kand) with a specialization in European Union law, together with a Bachelors (fil. kand) in Human Rights, both from Lund University, Sweden. He currently works with the academic cooperation component of the Zimbabwe Programme, primarily with regard to mainstreaming and institutionalising human rights education and research in Zimbabawe.

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