Displacement In The Context Of Disasters and Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific Regional Launch 2020

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute and the Stockholm Environment Institute is inviting you to the regional launch of the thematic study entitled: ‘Displacement In The Context Of Disasters and Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific Regional Launch 2020’ on 1 December at 1:30 pm Bangkok time at the Bliston Suwan Park View Hotel in Bangkok and via Zoom for participants in other locations. The study adopted a human rights based approach and focuses on law, policy and practices in 10 Countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

Register the event at : https://bit.ly/3fIdAEQ

Event Rundown : Displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in Southeast Asia launch Event Rundown

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