This year began with the incredible journey that young leaders from the Pacific Islands were taking to move the highest court in the world, the International Court of Justice for an Advisory Opinion on Climate Change. Most thought it was impossible and yet in March, this effort resulted in a consensus Resolution supported by 133 Member States of the United Nations General Assembly to put this question to the Court.
Alyn ware is an advisor to these young leaders and has supported several outstanding movements in the past to move the International Court of Justice, including the significant case on the Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons in 1996. There is a clear nexus between the fight for Climate Justice, including the protection of the biosphere and nuclear disarmament. Join us for a dialogue with Alyn and other leading experts on this subject as it links several topics such as international law, peace, disarmament, climate, biodiversity, human rights and social movements and transformation.
Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 09:00 – 12:00
LUCSUS Main Conference Room (3rd Floor), Biskopsgatan 5, 223 62 Lund
Key note speaker: Alyn Ware
Alyn Ware is a peace educator and nuclear disarmament consultant from Aotearoa/New Zealand. In 2009, he received the Right Livelihood Award for his vast efforts to promote peace education and disarmament.
Jessica Almqvist is a deputy coordinator of the LU profile area of human rights. She is a Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lund and Co-Chair of the Earth Trusteeship Working Group.
Her main areas of expertise are international law of human rights, humanitarian law and criminal justice. She also researches other international law topics, such as statehood and recognition, international responsibility, the collective security system and global health law, including international biomedical law.
Barbara Teixiera’s research is at the intersect between peace and conflict studies, critical political economy, and environment and climate change. Her PhD project looks at how natural resources and the environment can serve not only as causes for conflict, but as catalysts for peace. Barbara’s main argument in the thesis is that in light of environmental and climate change, it is necessary to build peace that is positive not only to humans but to the planet as well.
Greta Frisk Norin (she/her) is a law student in Uppsala specialising in Public International Law. She is part of and co-coordinator of Auroras legal team and a representative of Sweden’s Environmental Association of Law in Auroras board.

Håkan Johansson took his PhD in social work (Lund University, 2001) and has a background from sociology and the department of Sociology, Uppsala University. He became Associate Professor in 2007 (Växjö University) and serves since 2012 as a Professor in Social Work, School of Social Work, Lund University.
Dr. Claudia Ituarte-Lima is Leader of the Human Rights and the Environmentthematic area and senior researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. She is an international public lawyer and scholar with direct experience in international law and policy making. For the last 20 years, she has worked on human rights and environmental law (in particular biodiversity and climate change). She holds a PhD (University College London) and a MPhil (University of Cambridge). Her work unites legal analysis and sustainability science for examining environmental and human rights governance challenges and innovative levers to address them.
Neshan Gunasekera’s professional experience includes engagements with Government, non-government, bilateral and multilateral sectors and was a former member of the international civil service. Neshan Gunasekera has a background in international law, human rights, international relations, programme and project management and has worked to promote environmental considerations within the humanitarian-peace-development nexus. He has served as visiting faculty and examiner at several tertiary educational institutions, teaching public international law, human rights law, and humanitarian law.